GO-PTO Amazon Account
How do I get an Amazon Business Account?
Each year the PTO gets a list of new teachers from the school office. If you haven't been set up with an account, email treasurer@gibbsottosonpto.org asking to be added to the PTO Amazon Business account. We will reply asking you to look for an invite in your inbox. Follow the instructions in the email.
Note: If you are using your APS email account for a personal amazon account, we may not be able to set you up. In general, it's good practice to use another address (gmail, icloud, yahoo, etc) for personal use.
How does ordering from Amazon work?
One you have an account, go to www.amazon.com, add items to your cart, and submit the items for approval. We usually approve orders within 1 business day. If you a few days pass and the order still appears to be pending approval, feel free to reach out to treasurer@gibbsottosonpto.org.
GO PTO is pleased to provide funds for classroom supplies so that teachers don’t need to pay out of their own pockets. At the start of each school year we determine a budget for every classroom teacher at Gibbs and Ottoson (historically between $200 - $250 each). We do review spending by teacher, and in aggregate, as not all teachers use their whole budget. If you are planning a purchase that is over $200, or is on behalf of multiple classrooms, please email us at treasurer@gibbsottosonpto.org so that we can confirm eligibility in advance.
Saving Shipping Costs Tips
In many cases, your orders will have free shipping (Shipping costs will appear to be a credit). In some cases they will not. You can still order the item, but in some cases, consider doing things that will extend the PTO funds. For example, if you see "Free with $25 purchase" see if there is something else you might consider getting now instead of later, or perhaps collaborate with another teacher.
This is optional, but can help extend our dollars.